Market Graphics

Top Markets for Charging Infrasturcture: Growth all over Europe

When it comes to expanding the charging infrastructure, the Netherlands led the way once again in 2024.

However, Germany and France are catching up fast, especially where fast charging stations are concerned. Together, these countries form the three most important markets in Europe. Belgium is also noteworthy, having established itself as the fourth-ranking market, ahead of Italy. However, this is just the beginning for the EU, with a total of 3.5 million charging stations expected to be installed over the next five years

February 2025 – 103 KB

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Parking Lot PV – Huge Potential in Germany

A 15 square meter surface area of photovoltaic modules (parking space) generates approx. 3,000 kWh per year. This means that a car with an average consumption of 20 kWh/100 km could cover around 15,000 km per year.

If this calculation is applied to the total potential of 470.6 square kilometers or the actual usable area of 284 square kilometers, it is possible to power around 19 million electric vehicles and cover a distance of 284 billion kilometers.

December 2023 – 374 KB

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Publicly Accessible Charging Points – Top 5 Countries in Europe

Electromobility will not be successful without a comprehensive charging infrastructure. Europe continues to make progress with deploying charging points. No country has as many publicly accessible charging stations as the Netherlands. Germany, the frontrunner in public fast charging infrastructure, almost caught up to France in 2022.

April 2023 – 178 KB

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Battery Electric Vehicle Fleet – Europe`s Top 5 Countries

The e-mobility industry is booming, with one million e-cars (battery electric vehicles, BEV) registered in Germany by the end of 2022. According to a projection based on the latest figures from the Federal Motor Transport Authority and the European Alternative Fuels Observatory (EAFO), The European Union (EU) even exceeded the three million mark. Besides Germany, the EAFO ranks France (approx. 750,000 BEV) followed by the Netherlands, Sweden and Italy among the top-performing EU countries.

September 2022 – 294 KB

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New Electric Vehicle Registrations in Germany

Newly-registered passenger cars with alternatively fueled engines came out on top in Germany in 2021: 355,961 battery electric vehicles (BEVs) increased their share by as much as 83 percent to 13.6 percent. In total, electric vehicles (PHEVs and BEVs) thus have a share of 26 percent.

January 2022 – 375 KB

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Share of New Electric Vehicle Registrations in Germany in 2021

Over the course of the past year, the share of all-electric vehicles (BEVs) in new passenger car registrations in Germany has steadily grown. In January 2021, for example, they accounted for 9.6 percent and in December 2021 for 21.3 percent.

January 2022 – 684 KB

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Cumulated Registration Figures for E-Vehicles – Top 15 Countries in Europe

E-mobility in Europe is picking up speed – and is racing ahead more rapidly in Germany than in any other European country. One in three electric cars newly registered in 2021 drives on German roads, according to figures for the first ten months of this year.

October 2021 – 467 KB

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Phasing Out the Fossil Combustion Engine

August, 2021 – 841 KB

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Sales Figures of Electric Vehicles

February 2021 – 317 KB

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(Global Inventory as of January 2021)

March, 2021 – 443 KB

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