Schedule and Checklist for Exhibitors

Checklist for exhibitors 2025

The checklist covers the most important steps in planning for your participation in the exhibition and will help you to prepare your exhibition appearance.

Download checklist

Schedule for exhibitors 2025

June 2024

Online Application available

Application form available

Exhibition cost calculator online

Exhibitor checklist online

August 2024

Start of booth allocation

September 2024

Sponsorships and marketing offers available online

October 2024 Exhibitor list 2025 available online
November 2024

November 1, 2024: Start of submission period for the AWARD

Order center online (Exhibitor Cockpit)

December 2024

Advertising spaces available online

January 2025

Exhibitor shop Messe München available online (Start sending login data)

Start of exhibitor registration

January 31, 2025: End of submission period for the AWARD

February 2025

Vouchers and tickets can be ordered via the Exhibitor Cockpit

February 28, 2025: Deadline pre-sale price conference tickets

March 2025

March 21, 2025: Deadline for logo booking in the Event Guide

March 21, 2025: Submission deadline for booth construction

March 26, 2024: Order deadline for technical services (after which a surcharge will be invoiced)

April 2025

Traffic guide available

April 30, 2025: Order deadline for press kit space rental

May 2025

Early set-up (additional fee)

May 2, 2025: Start of set-up

May 3, 2025: Start of set-up hall B0

May 7–9, 2025: The smarter E Europe

May 9, 2025 from 5:00pm: Dismantling

May 10, 2025: End of dismantling hall B0

May 12, 2025: End of regular dismantling

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